NOTICE to all Homeowners with properties for Rent or Sale and Realtors Entry procedures.

ALL Real estate agents MUST now go directly to the PALA office BEFORE showing any property in Pulu Amsic. Failure to go to the PALA office to receive instructions on what is now required to show rental houses in the subdivision will be permanently banned from showing rental properties in Pulu Amsic.

NO Real estate agent may just roam around the neighborhood looking for what is available in the neighborhood. This is a safety measure because of unauthorized entry and security problems within the subdivision.

ALL rental agreements are required to be recorded and a copy of the agreement provided to PALA before moving into the subdivision. Failure to follow these rules will result in the vehicles for that property being banned immediately, until they follow the rules.

  1. Leases must be provided to PALA offices prior to moving into the subdivision. 18.1.3. A registered owner or lessor shall inform the PALA office of his/her or lessees intention to move in at least five (5) working days before the date of transfer.
  2. Leases must include voting rights for the Block and Lot that is leased.
  3. Leases must include which party is responsible for PALA dues. Per the bylaws, full payment required to be paid for the length of the lease.
  4. Any one moving into the subdivision MUST receive a move-in permit, failure to do this before move in day will result of being barred from the subdivision until a proper permit is issued.
  5. Real estate agent Must notify the PALA office which properties they will be showing and who they will be showing the property to. This measure is to reduce the number of agents just driving through the neighborhood to see what is available.
  6. The office will build a list of properties for rent and or sale within the subdivision. So that we can better manage the situation.
  7. No long will just anyone be allowed into the subdivision to drive around and see what’s available for rent or sale. This is a major security issue and concern. 




ALL rental agreements are required to be recorded and a copy of the agreement provided to PALA before moving into the subdivision. 

  1. Leases must be provided to PALA offices prior to moving into the subdivision. 18.1.3. A registered owner or lessor shall inform the PALA office of his/her or lessees intention to move in at least five (5) working days before the date of transfer.
  2. Leases must include voting rights for the Block and Lot that is leased. Or a letter stating how has the voting rights filed with the PALA Office.
  3. Leases must include which party is responsible for PALA dues. Per the bylaws, full payment is required to be paid for the length of the lease before moving-in pass is issued.
  4. Leases must register all vehicles that will be used inside the subdivision and purchase vehicle stickers for the subdivision.
  5. Any one moving into the subdivision MUST receive a move-in permit, failure to do this before move-in day will result of being barred from the subdivision until a proper permit is issued.
  6. Leases understands the moving out may only take place between the hours of 8 am and 6 pm.



ALL renters must provided to PALA the following items before moving out the subdivision. 

  1. Leases must be provided to PALA offices a (5) day notice prior to moving out of  the subdivision.
  2. Leases must return all vehicle stickers that were purchased with the PALA Office.
  3. Leases must state the actual date of move out. 
  4. Leases understands the moving out may only take place between the hours of 8 am and 6 pm.
  5. PALA office will note that this property has been vacated and it be placed back into the rental property list.